And We’re Off!

That’s it.

I’m done.

Here I sit, another day without anything to show for myself.
Okay, so that is a dramatic over representation of my current situation.

But the facts are these:
-I am a career changing, late blooming, top of my class graduate of The Culinary Institute of America (The World’s Premier Culinary College).
-I quit my day job, for various reasons.
-I have little to no direction for my life.

….or too many directions….

Either way, the equation equals a puzzle that I have been stumped on for years.

So here I sit, again, being driven mad by the desire to accomplish something worthwhile with my life

and not having any idea where to start.

Last week I came across an online article about blogging for money, and how to get started. Now, I don’t think online blogging is the career choice for me. However, with that said, I need to start doing something.

You see, I have so many grandiose ideas of what I could do with my life.
An actress
An author
A seamstress
A storyboard artist
A pastry chef
A business executive
A business executive’s assistant
A travel…..something

Something about each of these appeal to me on a passionate level.
But I don’t know diddly about much of any of these positions.
And most take something special to break into the field.
Well, why would I want to spend all that time and money to break into a field that I end up wanting to leave???
See my dilemma here?

I’m stuck.


There has to be an answer out there somewhere, and this, my lovelies, is my attempt to find it. Whatever it is.

Blog numero uno:
Thus Begins the Journey of Aly. By blogging, and reading, and researching, and doing, and failing (and hopefully succeeding just a smidge), to find an answer for my existence by trial and error.


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